North American Wrestling Cen-Cal Edition

Pro Wrestling Bushido School

NAW Cen-Cal

Every had a dream of becoming a Pro Wrestler?... Ever think you could make that dream a reality, at Pro Wrestling Bushido you can. At Pro Wrestling Bushido we're looking for the great, the character, the bold, the person who's not afraid to stand out in the crowd. The training academy is accepting wrestlers ready to learn, males and females. Along with valets, managers, and referees. The only question is -Do you think you got what it takes to be the best?

Bobby Hart Trainer Of Modesto, CA Dojo

Learning Basic:
For the newcomer to the business. Training in the basics of tie-ups, running the ropes, taking bumps (falls), becoming aware of the ring and hold-to-hold wrestling. Class will begin with warm up drills to develop ring awareness, fluidity of movement, balance, and proper falling procedures. A major emphasis is placed on fundamental wrestling and striking (kicks, punches, chops, etc.) From day one, everything is taught with a heavy emphasis on psychology. As a student you are taught to convey realism, conviction of character and from simple tie-ups to complex spots, to understand why he/she is doing each move and how it fits into the scope of a pro wrestling match. This is followed by working on "high spots" (advanced combinations), rest holds, cut offs, come backs, near falls (false finishes) and finishes. The practices are often concluded with participants working singles or tag team matches that consist of a 30 second "promo" interview and 3-8 minutes of wrestling. Once you've become more proficient, you will participate in these aspects as well.

Promo Class:
Learning promotional skills is a very important part of today's business. Through this in-depth promo class, you will learn all aspects of 'cutting a promo', talking on camera and/or in front of a crowd to help build a story. From developing your "character" and emoting with the right vocal inflection, to hitting cues and coming in on time you will learn the art of the promo; how to make your character and program compelling to the fan.